Осетинский пирог по-царски
600 г.
Пирог из дрожжевого теста с мясной начинкой и сыром моцарелла
Ossetian royal pie
Yeast dough pie stuffed with meat and mozzarella cheese
Пирог из дрожжевого теста с мясной начинкой и сыром моцарелла
Ossetian royal pie
Yeast dough pie stuffed with meat and mozzarella cheese
Closed khachapuri with cow cheese and cheese.
Khachapuri 4 cheeses
Closed khachapuri with cheese filling, topped with mozzarella, Dorblu, and Parmesan cheeses, served with honey and nuts.
Baked flatbread made from yeast dough.